Ways To Manage Hearing Loss In Your Family

Ways To Manage Hearing Loss In Your FamilyWhen someone in your family suffers from hearing loss you know it’s hard on them, but undoubtedly it’s hard on you too. This is something that doesn’t only affect the hearing-impaired person but it also affects those who are close to them too. There are some things you can do to deal with everyone’s frustration here.

Be Supportive

Studies show that it takes about 7 years from the point someone realizes they’ve lost some of their hearing to when they get hearing aids. It’s a long journey to get to the point where you know you need them. This is because it isn’t easy to admit to yourself, let alone those around you that you can’t hear as well as you once did.

It’s important to be patient and supportive by:

  • Hugging them and showing them you care
  • Practicing new communication strategies
  • Going with them to a hearing professional to help them choose the right hearing aids

Learn What It’s Like to Suffer From Hearing Loss

While you can say that you can imagine what it’d be like to suffer from a hearing loss it’s possible to get even closer to experiencing the real thing. There are online simulators available for this. Of course, it’s not going to allow you to experience every unique type there is but it’ll allow you to experience how voices sound based on how much hearing you’ve lost. In doing so you’ll have a better understanding of what life is now like for your loved one.

Forgive and Forget

When someone doesn’t yet have hearing aids it’s easy to get to the point where you want to shout at them instead of continually repeating yourself. It’s important to remember that nobody is intentionally trying not to listen to you. Take a deep breath and realize they simply can’t hear you as well as a normal hearing person so be patient and repeat yourself.

Rephrase Yourself

Hearing loss is individual and unique to the person who’s experiencing it. Sometimes there are simply some frequencies that have become inaudible. It won’t help to raise your voice. Instead, you’ll only appear aggressive. Instead, rephrase and repeat what you’re saying.

Be Responsible

You can’t assume that someone will hear the message you are delivering. This is part of taking responsibility for your own words. You need to make sure that people are understanding what you’re intending to say instead of getting upset because they can’t hear you. This is true even if the person doesn’t use hearing aids. Start by making sure that the person can see your face while you’re talking.

Insist on Getting Hearing Aids

There’s no point in getting them if you’re not going to use them to communicate with people who want to talk to you. If your loved one won’t use theirs, insist that they do so before talking to them. This will save everyone a lot of frustration.

Remember, being insistent doesn’t mean you have to shout or grow impatient with them. Since you know your loved one best it’s up to you to find a way to communicate the importance of using this device with them. When you’re kind and patient it’ll go a long way.

COVID-19 Doesn’t Help

Now that most everyone is wearing face masks, the person with hearing loss if finding life yet more challenging. If you are trying to hear someone while they have a face mask on, your hearing just dropped another 10% to 12%. That is the negative effect that a normal face mask will have on speech volume levels. In addition, while a person is wearing a mask, the hearing impaired individual will lose the ability to see the person’s lips while they are talking; this can take away another 20% to 30% of your speech understanding. So, as bad as things are during the best of situations with a hearing loss, the necessity of wearing masks complicates things in a very real and measurable way.

Get Professional Help

When you feel that your loved one is suffering from hearing loss your first step is to help them schedule an appointment with Countryside Hearing Aids Services in Clearwater, FL. You want to show them that you’re supportive by going with them to their appointment. When you arrive a hearing specialist will make a thorough analysis of their hearing loss and help you learn what your next steps are.

Picture Credit: 123rf.com