Several months ago, after many discussions with my wife, I agreed to look into purchasing hearing aids. I knew that after getting a hearing test that it would not be my hearing at fault but instead, my wife’s voice that didn’t carry during conversations.
I visited Costco, Audibel, Hear USA,, and Countryside Hearing. After every visit and after every test, it became clear that it was not my wife’s voice or the acoustics of a building during meetings or church sermons. It was in fact my hearing that was suffering and it became obvious I had to do something about it.
After many discussions and research I chose to do business with Tom Mitchell at Countryside Hearing. Perhaps I could have saved money elsewhere and although I wanted the most for my money it was Tom who did just that.
His staff is accommodating, cheerful and helpful. His approach is professional in every aspect from testing to service. He cares about my quality of life and follows up in every aspect from service to free hearing aid batteries.
I am happy to recommend him to anybody who is having similar problems as I had.