This is to all my new friends at Countryside Hearing:
You have given me my life back! I have worn hearing aids for over 10 years and as recently as a year and a half ago had purchased my 3rd set of aids. I still could not go to plays, hear in a group setting and was not even able to enjoy my family gatherings because I could not understand what was being said. Frustration was my middle name and my husband was so tired of repeating everything he said to me. I came to Countryside Hearing thinking I had a greater hearing loss recently. The test Tom conducted was so thorough I was impressed but the best part was the statement that my hearing hadn’t changed that much and that I had a choice of 2 instruments that could help me. My problem was that although I knew people were speaking I could not make out what they were saying! That day was the beginning of my new life. I now can go to plays, musicals, meetings and family gatherings and hear and understand what is being said. I have had my Oticon aids for about 2 months and have tried them in every noisy situation imaginable and they continue to surprise and delight me. The ability to hear the T.V without TV Ears is a side benefit as is the phone button to help and the ability to hear clearly in places that have the loop or T Coil.
All this has been possible with the help and encouragement of the staff at Countryside Hearing. They have made me feel that nothing is as important as my being able to hear and have gone out of their way to make me feel so comfortable that I actually look forward to my appointments. I have already recommended them to 2 of my friends and will continue to be a cheerleader for Countryside Hearing. Thank you for caring.