If your hearing aids are making noises, such as whistling, you might be wondering why and what you can do to fix it. Hearing aids can help many people with hearing loss near Clearwater to live a more fulfilling and healthier life, but maintaining them and fixing any issues is critical to achieving this aim.
Hearing aids could make whistling noises for several reasons. We’ll outline some of the popular reasons why your hearing aids might be whistling and what you can do to change it.
Microphones In the Wrong Position
Microphones that have become loose or dislodged within the hearing aids could result in whistling sounds. This may happen over time with wear and tear of your hearing aids, or it could be the result of weight loss or other external factors. If you think that the microphones may be loose or dislodged, you can speak to a hearing specialist near Clearwater, who will be able to advise on the next steps to remedy the problem.
The Volume is Too High
Turning the volume up too high on your hearing aids could result in feedback that causes whistling noises or other unpleasant sounds. This happens because the sound is entering your hearing aids again and causing noises due to the feedback this creates. If you want to avoid this type of whistling, turn the volume down on your hearing aids. This should rectify the problem if this is the reason for the whistling sounds, but if you are still experiencing it, speak to a hearing aid specialist.
Broken Tubes
Over time, the tubes in your hearing aids may become more rigid or smaller, which is likely to affect the way that they fit into your ear. The tubing can pull the earmold to which it is attached, causing problems with the shape or size of the hearing aids. If this is the reason for the whistling noises on your hearing aids, the most likely solution will be to replace the tube.
Build Up of Earwax
Too much earwax can create noises in your hearing aids since the sound will struggle to get through to your ear canal. Hearing aids are designed to help people who suffer from hearing loss by creating a passage by which sound can be delivered. However, if there is too much earwax in your ear, the sound will not be able to get through and will subsequently cause feedback in your hearing aids. As well as the issues with your hearing aids making whistling sounds, a build-up of earwax can also cause headaches and earaches. The best solution in this case is to have your ears professionally cleaned and ensure that there is no build-up of earwax in your hearing aids, too.
Poor Fit
Just like many other parts of the body, ears can change over time. This may be due to weight loss, weight gain, or aging, for example. The earmolds may have become loose, and therefore, the sound is bouncing away from your ear and back to the hearing aids. If your ears have changed and your hearing aids no longer fit, it might be time to replace them or get new pieces fitted to the right shape and size for your ears.
Fixing the Noises on Your Hearing Aids
People near Clearwater who are experiencing problems with their hearing aids should visit a hearing aid specialist to find out why this is the case. The team at Countryside Hearing Aid Services will be able to advise you about hearing health, hearing aids, and why your hearing devices might be creating whistling noises.
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