Preventing Trips And Falls Among Older People

several things that could help to reduce the risk of harm through falling or trippingOlder people are more prone to falling or slipping as a result of decreased mobility and reduced awareness. This affects many older people all around the world, including in Clearwater. It is estimated that more than a quarter of adults who are aged 65 or over fall every year. Three million people annually are given emergency medical treatment as a result of falling.

Since falls are clearly an issue among older people, it’s important to think about the reasons behind this and what can be done to prevent trips and falls in the future. Whether you have an elderly relative or are caring for somebody who is prone to falling, there are several things that could help to reduce the risk of harm through falling or tripping.

Let’s look at some of the reasons why seniors are more likely to fall and what can be done to take steps toward fall prevention.

Why are Seniors Prone to Falling?
There are various reasons why older people are more likely to fall than younger people are. Here are some of the main things you should keep in mind when considering fall prevention strategies.

  • Medications: Older people often take medications for various health issues, which start to affect them more in later life. This can result in side effects that affect hearing and balance, which subsequently make them more likely to experience a fall.
  • Poor footwear or foot problems: Some seniors may not wear suitable footwear, which can lead to an increased risk of falling. This may be due to foot problems and other foot-related issues, which are more likely to impact older people.
  • Low blood pressure: The risk of low blood pressure can increase with age, and this may result in people falling, particularly if they stand up or move quickly.
  • Difficulty walking: Seniors who have difficulty walking are more likely to fall over or trip indoors and outdoors. People who live alone and have walking difficulties will be at even further risk of falling if they attempt to move around their homes without guidance.
  • Hearing and balance problems: If a person is struggling to hear properly, their balance may also be impacted. This can result in a further lack of awareness of surroundings and an increased chance of falling.

What Can Help Fall Prevention for Seniors?
Just as there are various reasons why older people might be more prone to falling, there are several things that can be done in order to prevent falls and trips.

  • Encourage regular exercises: Regular exercises can help seniors to strengthen their joints and reduce the risk of falling. For example, slowing standing up and sitting down again or balancing for a few seconds without holding onto anything can help to build physical strength and stability.
  • Look at medications regularly: Consider whether certain medications might be having an adverse effect. You may need to reconsider which medications a senior person is taking and consult with a doctor for advice about other forms of medication which may come with fewer side effects.
  • Invest in hearing tools: If an older person struggles with their hearing, this may be impacting their ability to balance and walk safely. Consider regular hearing check-ups as well as hearing aids and other helpful tools if necessary.

Getting Help for Older People
Finding the right solution for fall prevention isn’t always easy and must be tailored toward each individual. If hearing and balance seem to be a problem, consider getting in touch with Countryside Hearing Aid Services, which can provide professional and experienced advice in Clearwater.

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